Featured Works

Here are some of my favourite projects I have done lately. Feel free to check them out.

first project

Vanilla-Weather App

Created with advanced HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap with an integrated API for live weather data. The weather project gives us the temperature and other factors such as wind, humidity, pressure etc. of any particular city for 7 days with current time and date. It has been developed by using weather API and also Google Places API to provide us suggestions for any city. Developed in Visual Code. The project is responsive.

Weather App

Classic weather app project, which shows all standarted parameters about the weather all around the world being optimized with a search-engine to provide the weather forecast for the specified location. This real-time project is responsive. It was built by using such tools as advanced HTML and SCSS, Javascript, API integration, Axios, GitHub and Vercel.

second project
third project

Personal Landing Page

This page was created with advanced HTML, CSS, SCSS, as well as BEM-methodology. The project is responsive. Features using in this project include Prepros, GitHub, Visual Code and Netlify. Personal landing page also contains animation.

Croissant App

The first multi-page project which was developed with very basic knowledge into HTML and CSS. Although this project is basic, it kick started my journey to learn more about coding. This project is responsive. It is hosted using GitHub and Vercel.

fourth project
fofth project

Banderogus Landing Page

This patriotic landing page is built by using HTML and CSS, JavaScript, GitHub and Hosting features. The project design was developed with Figma.
*The accent was made on pixel-perfect, so the project is not responsive.